Price each wheel AUD:
22mm lip
16s from $1100
17s from $1150
18s from $1185
19s from $1265
20s from $1335
22s from $1435
24s from $1750
32mm lip
19s from $1295
20s from $1375
Deep lip
20x12 released soon
22x12 4.75" BS, 5.5" lip from $1,535
22x14 4.5" BS, 7.75" lip from $1,575
24x12 4.5" BS, 5.75" lip from $2,265
24x14 4.5" BS, 7.75" lip from $2,315
26x12 4.5" BS, 5.5" lip from $2,745
26x14 4.5" BS, 7.75" lip from $2,785
26x16 4.5" BS, 9.75" lip from $2,835
28s price on application
30s price on application
Show polished $85 per wheel. Painted two colours add $145 per wheel.
Covered cap (covers the wheel nuts and not possible on all styles) from $125 per wheel. 8 lug billet truck cap $125 per wheel.